Foundation Repair Costs
Foundation repair can be a very expensive undertaking for homeowners today. While it sometimes proves necessary, it certainly should not be done without first carefully making sure that it is absolutely necessary. If it does prove to be required, it is important to realize that there are many different ways of actually repairing the foundation. Most foundations that are repaired do not necessarily need to be rebuilt from scratch. Rather, reputable professionals can usually salvage an existing foundation and simply repair it using cost-effective repair techniques. For homeowners worried about foundation repair costs, this article will outline how foundation repair costs might be more within reach than homeowners realize.
Sometimes, the foundation of a home can be repaired easily by simply coating certain critical sections in sealants. For foundations struggling with mold, termites, or other difficulties, simply coating certain components in high-quality materials is often enough to eliminate the necessity of replacing components. This method can cost as much as 95% less than replacement and can last for several decades. One homeowner in San Antonio was able to solve his foundation problems for just a few hundred dollars by using sealants.
Slabjacking, also known as mudjacking, is a process in which concrete is forcibly pumped under a foundation in order to make it work well again. Rather than completely replacing the foundation, slabjacking simply makes certain parts of the foundation taller in order to even out difficult parts. While this can often be somewhat expensive, it is still more affordable than complete replacement or house leveling.
Concrete Piers Help Reduce Foundation Repair Costs
Often foundations are weak because the wrong materials were used. Replacing an existing home foundation with concrete piers is a great way to reduce foundation repair costs. These piers will be more likely to permanently withstand the test of time and prevent foundation issues from happening again in the future. By reducing risk and helping to cut costs for foundation repair, concrete piers are often a great option to choose. This method can consist of either completely replacing the entire structure under the home or repairing just part of it at a time.
House Leveling
House leveling is another way to repair a home’s foundation that can always get the job done right. While more expensive than other methods, leveling the home will ensure that the problem does not happen again in most cases. House leveling is also necessary for homes in which soil erosion is causing the foundation to be undermined.
As homeowners in San Antonio can see, there are many ways to improve a home’s foundation outside of replacing the entire foundation.